Ah, the difficult third issue. Difficult for me to get my arse in gear you understand, in no way difficult for the amazing people who have contributed yet more astonishing work for our pleasurings with apparent ease.
In an order of my choosing we have a boggling array of offerings from Megan Ancliffe, Michael Gosden, H.B., Steven Horry, Lovejoy, Ricky Miller, Tom Quinn, Rebecca Strickson and David White - and what's more this time we've enlisted the help of a real printer, so you don't have to put up with my wonky stapling. The pace of the progress is SCARY.
It's one pound again plus the price of a stamp if you need it sent out, which we think is about thirty pence or something. I remember when you could get a stamp for like 15p, and the postie would put it through your door with a cheeky whistle, a kind word and a ruffle of the hair for any scamp who might be in the vicinity... but then there was that thing with the kid with the wig, and it all got a bit upsetting. Oh well.
So how should we get this done - take your pick from this lot:
1 - Paypal - this totally worked last time, with electro-pounds whizzing about all ways. It might just work again...:

2 - Send me a pound, a ten pence and a twenty pence stuck to a bit of card with your address on to:
Tiny Dancing
12C The Gardens
East Dulwich
SE22 9QD
A copy will fly out then forthwith.
3 - Find me, give me a pound, demand I deliver the goods. This one might be the most 'fun'.
And if none of them float your boat, there will be some copies in Sister Ray on Berwick Street in the not too distant future, so with that I think we have our 'bases' truly 'covered'. Wonderful.
Oh, let us know what you think, what you don't think, what you like, that kind of stuff - we love to hear from you, and we do get lonely. Goodbye.